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Multiple IVF Cycles

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  • Multiple IVF Cycles

    Hey everyone!

    I've had multiple IVF cycles at the ARGC due to unexplained infertility, including 3 miscarriages. I have a low AMH levels and have been told my chances of conceiving were minimal at best. Immediately after the 3rd miscarriage I felt very low and now I'm willing to try anything with the intention of having another round of IVF. My body is completely shattered after having been put through so much in a relatively short period of time.

    Has anyone else been through something similar and have any advice or a happy ending to share?


  • #2
    Hey Catherine,

    I know how you feel. I've been through the same thing, not at the ARGC but at a different clinic. It's emotionally and physcially exhausting.

    I ended up doing 5 IVF cycles and each time the number of eggs they collected was less and less. Now I'm having to do a donor cycle.

    Hang in there. I have girlfriends for whom IVF has worked x


    • #3

      Hello Everyone, I just finished my 1st IVF cycle & it was not successful, only retrieved 2 eggs & they were both bad quality. Going back on Tuesday for my new protocol for my 2nd cycle. Just wondering how many cycles it took you to become pregnant? Feeling bummed & hoping my next cycle is a success!

      How you know you’re pregnant, Learn about 10 pregnancy symptoms? Early signs of pregnancy helps you to taking care of pregnancy and your baby.


      • #4
        It doesn’t matter who you are if your IVF cycle is unsuccessful, you will undoubtedly feel low and will look for reasons why. Every person will react in their own way and go through an array of emotions, depending on whether this is your first or subsequent attempt at IVF. It will take a while to get over the disappointment but accept the loss, and then move on and look ahead. You can’t compare yourself to other persons and their reactions when their IVF cycle doesn’t matter. Miscarriage is a devastating situation affecting roughly 1 in 5 pregnancies. Women who had three or more consecutive miscarriages are usually referred to as having recurrent miscarriages. Women with very less AMH levels undergoing IVF still have a chance of achieving a pregnancy, but their prognosis is significantly affected by chronological age. It is completely possible to get pregnant with your own eggs or donor eggs with less AMH. After all, it just takes 1 healthy egg. Your AMH level won't tell the whole of your fertility story there are many other ways to boost your fertility.


        • #5
          IVF failure can leave you very disappointed. But you need to know that there is still hope for you and that repeated attempts can help you fulfil your dream of parenthood. When you have been trying a baby for a long period of time, IVF can come as a become of hope. So you go in with your eyes for high expectations and hopes, follow your doctor’s advice, and hope to come out of it pregnant. And then the unexpected happens your IVF cycle again fails. You are heartbroken, with hopes dashed, unsure of what you should do next. The best is that there are multiple options available. If you have been diagnosed and have less AMH levels. You need to consult your doctor who will tailor the treatment protocol on the basis of your history, examination and other tests.


          • #6
            Originally posted by catherine.kelly.1978 View Post
            Hey everyone!

            I've had multiple IVF cycles at the ARGC due to unexplained infertility, including 3 miscarriages. I have a low AMH levels and have been told my chances of conceiving were minimal at best. Immediately after the 3rd miscarriage I felt very low and now I'm willing to try anything with the intention of having another round of IVF. My body is completely shattered after having been put through so much in a relatively short period of time.

            Has anyone else been through something similar and have any advice or a happy ending to share?


            Dealing with infertility and pregnancy loss can be emotionally and physically draining, and it's completely understandable that you are feeling low and shattered at this moment.

            Here are some potential steps you could consider:
            1. Seek emotional support: Infertility and miscarriages can take a toll on mental health. Consider talking to a therapist, counselor, or support group specialized in infertility and pregnancy loss to help you navigate your emotions and thoughts during this challenging time.
            2. Consult with your fertility specialist: Continue discussing your options with your fertility doctor. They can help you understand the best course of action based on your specific circumstances and medical history. They may suggest different approaches or treatments that could improve your chances of success.
            3. Explore alternative treatments and lifestyle changes: Some people have reported positive outcomes from trying complementary therapies like acupuncture, yoga, or mindfulness meditation during their fertility journey. Additionally, making lifestyle changes such as adopting a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress reduction techniques may have a positive impact on fertility.
            4. Second opinion: If you haven't already, consider seeking a second opinion from another fertility specialist to get a fresh perspective on your case and potential treatment options.
            5. Donor eggs or embryos: If your own eggs are not viable, using donor eggs or embryos may be an option to consider.
            6. Surrogacy: In cases where carrying a pregnancy is not possible or advised due to medical reasons, surrogacy might be an option to explore.

            Remember, everyone's fertility journey is different, and it's essential to do what feels right for you and your partner, both physically and emotionally. While some people may find success with certain treatments or options, it's essential to approach this process with an open mind and be prepared for various possibilities.


            • #7
              Originally posted by catherine.kelly.1978 View Post
              Hey everyone!

              I've had multiple IVF cycles at the ARGC due to unexplained infertility, including 3 miscarriages. I have a low AMH levels and have been told my chances of conceiving were minimal at best. Immediately after the 3rd miscarriage I felt very low and now I'm willing to try anything with the intention of having another round of IVF. My body is completely shattered after having been put through so much in a relatively short period of time.

              Has anyone else been through something similar and have any advice or a happy ending to share?

              Dealing with infertility, multiple IVF cycles, and miscarriages can be incredibly challenging both physically and emotionally. It's important to acknowledge and address the toll it takes on your well-being. Here are a few things to consider:
              1. Seek Emotional Support: Going through infertility treatments and miscarriages can be emotionally taxing. Consider seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional who specializes in fertility-related issues. Support groups can also provide a sense of community with people who are experiencing similar challenges.
              2. Communicate with Your Doctor: Stay in close communication with your fertility doctor. They can provide insights into your specific situation, suggest potential treatment options, and address any concerns you may have. It's important to be open about your feelings and your physical condition.
              3. Consider a Second Opinion: If you feel uncertain about your current treatment plan, it might be helpful to seek a second opinion from another fertility specialist. Different doctors might have different approaches or insights that could make a difference in your situation.
              4. Explore Alternative Treatments: In some cases, complementary therapies like acupuncture, yoga, and mindfulness meditation have been shown to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. While they might not directly impact fertility outcomes, they can contribute to your overall health and resilience.
              5. Take Care of Your Physical Health: Prioritize self-care, which includes maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, and getting enough rest. Your physical well-being can play a significant role in your ability to cope with the challenges you're facing.
              6. Educate Yourself: Gain a thorough understanding of your condition, treatment options, and potential risks. Being well-informed can empower you to make the best decisions for your situation and engage more effectively with your healthcare providers.
              7. Consider Support Groups: Connecting with others who have experienced similar challenges can provide a sense of camaraderie and understanding. Many online and in-person support groups are available for individuals and couples dealing with infertility and pregnancy loss.
              8. Give Yourself Time: It's okay to take breaks between treatment cycles if needed. Taking time to heal emotionally and physically can be beneficial before embarking on another round of IVF.

              Remember that every individual's journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's important to prioritize your physical and emotional well-being as you navigate through this difficult time. If you're considering another round of IVF fertility treatment, make sure to have open and honest discussions with your medical team to understand the potential benefits and risks based on your specific situation.

